Support Us


Help us to continue to improve our service, and protect it for future generations of students!

All donations go towards expanding our reach, funding our training programs, and supporting the running of the service.

We are incredibly grateful for every donation, large or small – your money really makes a difference to our service.

The link to our JustGiving page can be found here:

This is our new platform for everyday donations – all are incredibly welcome. 

You can also donate anonymously, or select GiftAid for a no-cost boost to your donation!


Other Donations

We are able to receive cash donations and cheques made payable to Durham Students’ Union. Please fill in the form below if you’d like to make a donation. Thank you!

Spread the Word

The best way you can support us is to help us reach more students.

Connect with us on social media; request publicity material for your college and department or signpost us to your friends and colleagues.

We’d love to hear from you if you’re able to collaborate with us on a campaign. Please fill in the form below: